Wednesday, May 26, 2010

That woman is outta here!

Hi, I'm TigerLily. I have just kicked innkeeper Judy OFF this blog! She may have a journalism degree, time worked at a major metro newspaper or two and fingers to type with but I'm the one who knows what is doing on around here. I plan to fill you in!

First, my bio: I was born in Mountain City in April, 2001, and found on Flag Day in a big juniper bush beside the inn driveway. I refuse to tell you how my mother moved me from the little blue house down the street (near the traffic light) all the way to that bush. Let's just say, it was a good strategy on her part to get rid of me at about age 6 weeks! I learned that very day squalling a lot really will get you your own way. Those people with their dog picked me up and brought me in the house.... aka MY house ....aka The Inn. I use squalling a lot every morning to get my breakfast served up fast and as quickly as I can get it after 6:53 a.m.!

As a kitten I suffered from a terrible illness that made me feel tired and pale. Often I hid under the attic floor because I felt so bad. Eventually some man in a white suit stuck me in the hip then got me hooked on "reds." Yum... the steroids Roger Clemmons may or may not have taken. I take it ever day now. I even managed to maintain my "addiction" when reds went off the market. My fix now comes in tuna flavored liquid which I pretend not to taste on my first dish of food every morning. I feel good now and my anemia is at bay. I'll never have really great red blood counts but I'm good....

This week's story: I was minding my own business (keeping the feral cats in the yard away from the patio ) when some ladies in nursing outfits (ooooooooo, do THEY work for that man in white???) came to the door, yelling for Cloe!

Cloe had been to the vet but got out of her cage next door at the medical offices. She ran up toward MY garden and MY yard. Those ladies flushed the grey and white wild cat while they banged around in the bushes. But no Cloe. I stuck my head in the air and came in the house! Whatever. They did not go home with a cat so I'm not sure IF Cloe is still around. I have not smelled her.

Today it is nearly 80 degrees and I'm sleeping under the chairs on the patio. I suffered getting a flea dot last night and now I'm having fun in the sun. It feels great. I tried my claws on a log in the yard.... You see, it has been many years since They let me go out side. Probably only letting me go now because that big brown cat who hung around the back door died last winter. He was such a kiss-up, always sitting on laps and attending both weddings and meetings! I don't miss him one bit.

Well, That Woman has let me take over this blog but I will NOT go join her on the chaise lounge in the garden like that kiss-up Max Big used to do! Let me sleep. I still have several hours of nap time before dinner.

I'll give you a tour of the inn the next time I talk to you. Until then, here's (not) looking at you, kids!

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